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STARWEST 2009: Performance Engineering: More Than Just Load Testing[presentation]

Performance testing that is only done at the last minute, just prior to launch, is not the right approach for systems that are highly complex with many opportunities for bottlenecks.

Rex (Red) Black, Expedia, Inc.
Testing the Client and the Cloud[presentation]

Today, a large portion of computing is moving off the desktop, out of the organization, and into the cloud.

Ken Johnston, Microsoft Corporation
Automating Web Testing with cURL and Perl[presentation]

With little or no budget to acquire test automation tools for Web applications, many testers think there is nothing they can do to replace manual tests with automated ones. Not true!

Paco Hope, Cigital, Inc.
The Role of the Analyst in Testing[presentation]

Although many organizations ask their analysts to do double-duty as testers, this presents a number of challenges.

Richard Bender, Bender RBT, Inc.
The Journey From Chaos to Credibility[presentation]

Many test organizations believe a new methodology or test automation architecture is necessary to fix problems and make significant improvements in how the business values testing.

Molly Mahai, Arizona State Retirement System
World Quality Report: Trends in Technology, Organization and Outsourcing[presentation]

Most businesses rely totally on complex computer software applications to run their operations. As one approach to mitigating the risk of costly production failures, many organizations are spending more and more on testing.

Charlie Li, Capgemini
STARWEST 2009: Testing AJAX Applications[presentation]

Because Web application development using AJAX, REST, and service-oriented architectures is expanding at a breakneck pace, testers must learn to develop unit tests, functional tests, and load tests for these environments.

Frank Cohen, PushToTest
Free and Cheap Test Tools[presentation]

Too often, testers have limited money, time, or both to purchase, learn, and implement the robust commercial test tools available today. However, as a tester, one of the best things you can have is your own personal testing toolkit.

Randy Rice, Rice Consulting Services, Inc.
What Would MacGyver Do?[presentation]

Remember the old MacGyver TV series? Each week, the hero solved difficult problems by combining his knowledge of applied science with everyday items such as baking soda, paper clips, and chewing gum.

Harry Robinson, Microsoft
Effective and Efficient Testing: Reality or Myth?[presentation]

To management, testing often never formally finishes-it just stops. And even before testing stops, we are asked to ensure that our efforts are providing maximum value. However, can we ever really have both efficient and effective testing?

Lloyd Roden, Grove Consultants
STARWEST 2009: The Irrational Tester[presentation]

As a tester or test manager, you probably have wondered just how important reasoning and rational thinking actually are in many management decisions.

James Lyndsay, Workroom Productions, Ltd.
The Top Testing Challenges - or Opportunities - We Face Today[presentation]

Some people thrive on challenges, while others struggle with how to deal with them. Handled well, challenges can make us stronger in our passion, drive, and determination.

Lloyd Roden, Grove Consultants
Moving to an Agile Testing Environment: What Went Right, What Went Wrong[presentation]

About a year ago, Ray Arell called his software staff together and declared, "Hey! We are going agile!" Ray read an agile project management book on a long flight to India, and, like all good reactionary development managers, he was sold!

Ray Arell, Intel Corporation
STARWEST 2009: The Marine Corps Principles of Leadership[presentation]

Even with the best tools and processes in the world, if your staff is not focused and productive, your testing efforts will be weak and ineffective and your finished product will reflect this.

Rick Craig, Software Quality Engineering
Large-scale Exploratory Testing at Microsoft: Let's Take a Tour[presentation]

Manual testing is the best way to find the bugs most likely to bite users badly after a product ships. However, manual testing remains a very ad hoc, aimless process.

James Whittaker, Google


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