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How do I go about posting a job on this site.  I was referred here by a member who suggested that members would appreciate it.  I cannot figure out how to post one though.  Any assistance is much apprecaited.

Thank you.

I have read several case studies on configuration management implementations and all indicate that only about  15% of companies attempting to implement a CMDB have been successful.  That's an abysmal percentage for a project that is both expensive and time consuming and therefore unlikely to gain much traction with IT leadership.  Can anyone provide real world examples of a system being implemented in a large, IT environment hosting a variety of technologies and supporting many different business units?  I have also read numerous articles from Forrester and Gartner and had conversations wit

Can anyone direct me to a website/source containing simple, effective CM Audit Checklist & CM Audit Report samples?

I need a way to schedule a promotion in dimensions for use with a deployment

Phillip Marker's picture
By Phillip Marker 1 Answer

I am presently a Configuration Manager, unemployed.

Looking for employment in the Dayton/Fairborn, Ohio (or 50mi rad.) area.

Anyone with job opportunity please contact me.

[email protected]

Use subject: CM Cross Job


How do I configure AccuRev so that i can do automatic merge of simple conflicts


In case 2 developers promote the same class but their changes can be easily resolved by AccuRev no action should be required from the developers in order to make more soft the process


When confronted with a legacy system with large numbers of essentially undocumented components, has anyone found it useful to create some sort of data model/entity relationship model? Something that starts with the build dependencies but maybe goes further.


I am in a process of standardazing the project naming convetion. And I want to know how many characters are permissible for a project name ? I can do Hit and Trial, but I am being lazy for it. I went through the manuals but dint find the required information. Can some one please suggest.



Can HP Quality Center be used for updating change requests?

I have a build process that is triggered by hrefresh and a project name is passed to the script from Change Manager and will perform a check-in utilizing CA SCM Command Line Interface.  I am curious if hrefresh can read-in the package name to be passed along with project name to my build script so the script know the package to check into?

Below are some observations I've made and I'd like to solicit the communities feedback on the conclusion I've drawn from it.

When looking at industrializing software development by creating a fully integrated and automated pipeline through which changes flow from check-in, through integration, build, testing, packaging and deployment; there are 2 paths one can follow:

Hi frnds can any one suggest me the process of pvcs to svn migration 


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