Recent Q&A Activity

Hi everyone,

as always we love to get YOUR input on which topics we should be covering in the coming months. 
Obviously, DevOps is hot, Cloud & Mobile are essential. We have had many issues dedicated to CM for Small Teams, Process and more process and tips and strategies for Build Engineers.

What topics would you like us to cover? What topics would you like to write about yourself??
(Hint - I will help you! - just contact me directly)

DevOps means a lot of things to different people. I would like to start a discuss here on exactly what DevOps means to you. 

What do you think DevOps really means? Is it important? If so, why is it important?

Bob Aiello
Editor in Chief, CM Crossoroads
[email protected]

I am having a devil of a time trying to locate the process to add users and amend permissions in ClearCase windows. It has been a while since I have done it and I can't seem to find anything in the Admin Manual that tells me how to do this. I am sure that you guys have the answer.

As there are many version control tools available, I want to know the diffenrences among them and benifites of them.

I want to restrict some files with specific extension (e.g. *.doc etc) to checked in to synergy by developers. How can I do that ?


How feasible it is to update the albd service account,license host,registry host and regsions details through the IBM installation manager response file after the successful installation of the ClearCase through the silent install or gui install.

Can it be scripted ? Please let me know on the same.  Thanks in advance.

Ashok Kumar

Dear All,

I would like to know the SCM tools that are used for technologies such as Cloud Computing. Seen from this perspective, has anything changed with regards to the ITIL processes? For instance, with cloud computing, servers and application softwares are maintained by thirdparty companies such as Amazon. So, when development needs to release and deploy a software package, what ITIL processes have changed (if any)? I imagine that the SCM processes would be lean for cloud computing - correct me if I am wrong?



Cell: (+91) 9535279950

I'm setting up a documentation library for a customer on a shared directory pending transfer to SharePoint later in the year. Per the customer’s request, the document ID numbers should contain an abbreviation for the team (e.g., CM for Configuration Management, EA for Enterprise Architecture, and SI for Systems Infrastructure). I'm adding docs related to Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM). 

Using ClearCase Remote Client,, attempting to deliver a single activity with a single change from a child stream to the parent.  Get this error mesage:

Error: " malformed response: Content-ID "CheckoutInfo""

Merge take place but I have to go to the target veiw and check the file in, which succeeds without incident.  Error only occurs when performing the delivery.

Many of us support automated Windows installation. I have used MS Build for some time and most recently got to play with ClickOnce which is great. But what about legacy Windows applications? Do you still use Wise or InstallShield? What are the best practices and best products for supporting legacy windows application installation?

Bob Aiello
Editor in Chief
twitter: @bobaiello, @cmbestpractices

Hi All

Most of large organizations have a line between development area and production/operation area, due to many reasons, historical or outsource, etc. So there are a set of SCM processes for the development area, and another set  for production, e.g. change control.

Traditionally, the SCM specialists are working in the development area most of time, doing version control, change request, sort of things, util the software is realesed to production for operation.

Im not able to import the users into Change synergy after installation.

Secondly, I cannot select the priveleges to the users as the cehck boxes are not displayed


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