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An Evaluation Framework for Continuous Integration Tools

Tools that enable continuous integration are vital to any agile project. Learn how putting together a well-planned evaluation process for the selection of those tools enables your entire team to work more cohesively, while eliminating the waste and damage that ineffective tools can cause.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
9 Questions You Must Ask When Selecting the Right Tool and Vendor

The key to selecting the best vendor and tool is asking the right questions. The answers to these nine essential questions can mean the difference between satisfaction with your purchase and a giant waste of time and money.

Joe Townsend's picture Joe Townsend
Is Your Agile Audit and Compliance Process Really Agile?

In a previous column, George Schlitz proposed that process improvements, such as agile, require organizations to change process rules. Now George continues his review of agile in regards to compliance and auditing practices. What he's found is that changes to compliance and auditing rules may appear compatible, but the implementation process usually remains unchanged and conflicts with agile practices.

George Schlitz's picture George Schlitz
Agile? Waterfall? How About WetAgile?

WetAgile can be used to describe those projects, and people, that aren't quite agile, nor are they fully waterfall. While this might seem like seem like a negative, existing in "no man's land," the hybrid approach is sometimes may work fine, while on the path to full agile.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Agile Dev. West  Amplifying collaboration Amplifying Collaboration with Guerilla Facilitation

Sometimes, an ineffective meeting can be more damaging than no meeting at all. But, if you're not the person in charge of facilitating the meeting, how can you help keep the group and the meeting in line? In this article, Ellen Gottesdiener offers some suggestions for both facilitators and non-facilitators that may help ease some of your meeting frustrations.

Ellen Gottesdiener's picture Ellen Gottesdiener
We're All in the Same Boat

Lisa Crispin dives into the "we're all in the same boat" theory and explains how it can't be more true in the software development world. From the need for common goals to going beyond taking responsibility for the team's actions, each team must know that you're going to fail or succeed together.

Lisa Crispin's picture Lisa Crispin
Unconscious Limitations to Your Testing

This article examines the limitations to testing efforts that testers unconsciously apply. Limitations such as premature conclusions, assumptions, biases and industry norms can all cut the thinking process short. Suggestions will be offered on how to identify when you are limiting your testing and how to challenge yourself to keep your mind actively thinking.

Lynn McKee
Motivation Visibility, and Unit Testing

Steve Berczuk has always been interested in organizational patterns and recently found himself thinking about motivation. Agile practices, both technical and organizational, build a framework which makes having the right amount of collaboration and feedback possible. But there's a bootstrapping process: How do you get people to start doing the practices, especially technical ones, such as unit testing?

Steve Berczuk's picture Steve Berczuk
Lean and Agile Practices Have Their Roots in the Quality Revolution

Reading and reflecting upon lean and agile this month I realized that technology professionals do not realize how many of these practices are actually from the quality revolution that was led by luminaries including Shewart, Juran, Crosby and Deming. The Poppendiecks have certainly done a great job not only with sharing their lean practices, but also reminding us that process improvement has been successfully implemented in many settings long before it was applied to software development. Join me as we take a quick look back at where the journey to quality began!

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
Why Agile Development Requires Agile Configuration Management

In his CM: The Next Generation Series, Joe Farah writes that anyone who thinks that agile development implies minimal CM is probably in the situation of not having to deal with customers. Instead, agile development requires agile CM; configuration management tuned to the agile development shop and philosophy.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah


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