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Are You Done Yet?

Johanna Rothman recently wrote, commenting on Joshua Kerievsky's proposed definition of done. Both posts are worth a read, if for no other reason than to better understand why we have such a difficult time defining what "done" is, and why defining "done" is one of the major challenges for teams  trying to adopt agile practices.

Steve Berczuk's picture Steve Berczuk
The Advantages of a Pipelined Approach for Build and Deployment Automation

Automation is required to build and deploy software applications consistently. Automation is necessary to build and deploy software applications rapidly. While build and deployment automation is essential for modern software development, not all approaches to automation produce the same results.

Michael Sayko
Agile ALM—Opposites Attract

Agile and ALM are two terms that you don’t often see side by side. To most developers, agile means team interaction, customer collaboration, dynamism, and responsiveness to change. In contrast, ALM seems to imply the opposite of agile, with echoes of rigid procedures, inflexibility, and top-down process control. But are the agile and ALM approaches as contradictory as they first appear to be?

Mike Shepard
Don't Vaccinate Your Organization Against Success

Change is an inevitable part of the ongoing evolution and refinement of our processes. Learning to implement change successfully is a vital skill for people who would be leaders in our industry. This week, Payson Hall reflects on challenges to implementing new tools and processes and offers caution to would-be change agents: Be part of the remedy, not part of the disease.

Payson Hall's picture Payson Hall
Enterprise Change Management in Agile Software Development

Agile software development is designed to thrive within even the most dynamic business and technical environments. All agile methodologies include integrated practices and processes that manage evolving requirements to efficiently develop a continuous stream of new software capabilities. However, what Agile does not address are changes related to enterprise support that falls outside the scope of the project work. Enterprise Change Management (ECM) provides a framework that addresses many of these missing factors.

From Tsunami Development to Continuous Lean and Agile Development

Moving to agile development (or doing anything new) is not easy. Beyond learning some of the technical stuff, the new terms like SCRUM, stories and so on, it is about changing mindsets. How do you change mindsets? How do you understand mindsets, and to do so quickly?

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Good Idea! Now What?

A good idea is a valuable asset, and a lot of good ideas can be like a treasure trove. But what do you do with those ideas? Here, Esther Derby describes an idea maker who isn't very good at following through and then suggests four important things to remember to keep your own ideas from withering on the vine.

Esther Derby's picture Esther Derby
Continuous Delivery with Jez Humble

Jez Humble is the build and release principal for ThoughtWorks Studios and product manager for ThoughtWorks' release management and continuous integration tool Cruise. He's co-written a book that will hit shelves this year. In this interview, Jez talks about continuous delivery, collaboration obstacles, and the value of defining risk.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Book Review: Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us


Steve Berczuk's picture Steve Berczuk
No Compromise

Consultants and testers have to be prepared to speak out about what they know—however intimidated they are by authority and however unwelcome the news may be to the recipient. Fiona Charles argues that if these occupational hazards are greater than you can afford, then you need to find a less risky job.

Fiona Charles's picture Fiona Charles


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