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How to Focus on Business Results

This article covers how to ensure that packaged software implementations focus on value-added business results. It also identifies the key techniques that we can employ in order to ensure that every project team member, and thus the project, focuses on the value-added business results.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
A Framework to Establish People-related Best Practices

Usually I write about the impact of personality in process improvement. This month’s topic of standards and frameworks suggested that I discuss the impact of the SEI’s People Capability Maturity Model on issues related to managing your most important resources—people. Unfortunately, many organizations have failed to realize that managing and developing the right team is far more important than just the products and services that generate revenues. If you forget about your human resources, then you probably won’t be in business for very long. That said, many otherwise successful technology professionals find it difficult to successfully manage human resources. This article describes an excellent framework developed by the SEI to help you establish effective people-related best practices.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
What a Fragmented Industry Gets Wrong with SCM Standards

In his CM: The Next Generation Series, Joe Farah writes that one of the biggest problems with software configuration management (SCM) standards is that the industry is currently too fragmented. Sure, there are many ways to do things and plenty of high-level standards out there, but as a whole, the industry uses different terminology for the most basic concepts and fails to understand that standards must go beyond ability and push the industry forward.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Picking SCM Standards or Frameworks

There are many things to consider when picking an SCM standard or framework for your organization. Taking the time to explore compliance, politics, experience, and driving forces before making a selection will increase acceptance and smooth the transition.

Joe Townsend's picture Joe Townsend
Institutionalized Agility

In this article, an excerpt of which originally appeared in the Iterations eNewsletter, Rob Myers writes of his experiences with difficult large-scale agile transitions and offers suggestions for avoiding disaster.

Rob Myers
The Lean-Agile Prism: Going Beyond The Agile Triangle

Project management has contributed diverse triangles as it has evolved. From the traditional project triangle to the agile inverted triangle and, recently, the agile triangle. In this article, I am proposing going one step beyond the agile triangle by taking into consideration lean thinking to add a fourth element, specifically that of design, to form the lean-agile prism.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Project Portfolio Decisions—Decisions For Now

If you are anything like me, you have a to-do list a mile long. Because I work for myself, I have an integrated list of everything I need to do: projects for clients, books to write, articles to write, columns to write, presents to buy, house maintenance, clothes to organize, office cleanup. The list is long and never-ending.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Timebox your Projects!

By putting more effort into fixing time, rather than functionality, agile development projects are able to reach the levels of agility they were intended to reach. By welcoming change, as agile was designed to do, you're able to create an innovation cadence keeps everything in harmony.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
White Paper: Creating a Metrics Culture

This paper discusses a practical case study implemented at MindTree that details some of the best practices for defining and implementing metrics. The author also reviews the business benefits realized from a good metrics program.

Srinivasa N
Adventures with Testing BI/DW Application

The major objective of this paper is to offer guidelines in an attempt to document the generalized test process that can be followed across the business interface and data warehouse domain. This paper excludes the automation and performance aspects of ETL testing.

Nakul Madan Raj Kamal


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