Agile + DevOps East 2018


Frequent Releases for Enterprise Mobile: Make It a Reality Without Losing Your Sanity

As companies continue to embrace the mobile-first strategy, many are grappling with a formidable challenge: how to release mobile updates more frequently given the painful and archaic app publishing process. Beyond brute-forcing release cadence, there need to be cultural, technical, and infrastructural changes to make frequent releases a reality.

Stacey Yan

Future-Proofing Testers in the Age of AI, ML, and Bots

We're all hearing the buzzwords of AI, machine learning, chatbots, and next-generation testing. Does this mean that the days of traditional testing as we know and practice it are over? Eran Kinsbruner doesn't think so. Join him to learn about the clear transformation happening toward smarter testing techniques and tools. These approaches will drive better pipeline efficiency and release velocity with high quality, and Eran thinks this means good things for the testing practice and practitioners.

Eran Kinsbruner

Holistic Agile: Treat the Whole Company, Not Just IT

As agile methods find more global applicability, we are finding groups outside of IT that have nothing to do with technology or software development demonstrating success with agile methods. But the approach to the solutions they deliver are often catered to their own unique circumstances. The original Agile Manifesto, principles, and supporting frameworks were formed with software development in mind, but from a holistic perspective, a different approach is needed for enterprise solutions outside of IT.

Robert Woods
How Agile Killed Managers

Agile adoption has changed the corporate landscape in many different ways. And while the change has been mostly positive for the teams, some can see agile and Scrum ideas as a revolt against traditional management practices. If the team is self-organized, then what's the manager's role? Have no fear—managers are not obsolete; their job just looks a little different. Katy Sherman will discuss how agile has reshaped the manager's role.

Katy Sherman

How AI Is Transforming Software Testing

Companies like Apple, Tesla, Google, Amazon, and Facebook have been investing in AI to solve different technological problems in the areas of health care, autonomous cars, search engines, predictive modeling, and much more. Applying AI is real, it’s coming fast, and it’s going to affect every business, no matter how big or small. How are testers going to adapt to this change and embrace AI? Join Raj Subramanian to discover how AI is going to influence the way we do test design and automation.

Raj Subramanian
How Design Thinking and Agile Can Be Friends

Agile methodologies do not traditionally allot space, time, or processes for user experience design. Some teams try to accommodate design via separate design sprints that are somewhat coupled to the team's backlog, but these are typically performed two or three sprints ahead. Increasingly, designers are demanding that teams do big, upfront design phases outside of a team's backlog, followed by agile development sprints to implement the design.

Mary Thorn

How to Innovate Inexpensively

When many think of modernizing or altering their firm with the goal of staying competitive in the market, thoughts of expensive, cutting-edge concepts that are difficult to implement usually come to mind. But innovation doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. The fact is that pure modernism is focusing on the benefit of the customer, the team, and the business. It does not always have to be overly technical or costly.

Giancarlo Di Vece

I Got a Fever, and the Only Prescription Is More Feedback

The Second City, an improvisational comedy club that launched the careers of comedians such as Chris Farley, Tina Fey, and Steve Carell, has delivered a successful product to audiences nightly for almost sixty years. How do they do it? By recognizing the power of feedback. Brian Eno, a pioneer in the music industry who produced albums for U2 and Coldplay, relies on a feedback generation system to ensure the best performances of the bands he works with.

John Krewson

Integrating Infrastructure as Code into a Continuous Delivery Pipeline

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Adarsh Shah

Leadership Journeys Start from Within

Becoming an amazing leader means achieving high-performing results. However, this journey of growth and learning has plenty of ups and downs, twists turns, and results and surprises. After years of leadership coaching and practice, Tricia Broderick has noticed several key patterns that have prevented people from taking the next step toward growing their leadership skills.

Tricia Broderick


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