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Critical Incidents While Testing in Scrum[presentation]

Scrum frameworks deliver working code in time-boxed sprints. Many communities find Scrum to be a wonderful balance between discipline and agility because it tames turbulence and focuses teams.

Robert Sabourin,
Iteration Management: Unclogging Your Development Process[presentation]

Within the agile development lifecycle, the role of "iteration manager" is crucial for maintaining the rhythm and flow of the project.

Tiffany Lentz, ThoughtWorks
Agile Development Practices 2009: The Agile PMP: Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks[presentation]

Agile methods emphasize trust, empowerment, and collaboration-moving us away from command and control project management to harness the passion, creativity, and enthusiasm of the team.

Michael Cottmeyer, VersionOne, Inc.
Kanban: A True Integration of Lean and Agile[presentation]

If XP and Scrum are the first generation of agile methods, Kanban software development is the next generation. Kanban integrates lean and agile principles to create better software faster and at less cost.

Alan Shalloway, Net Objectives
Storyotypes: The Patterns Within the Stories[presentation]

Have you noticed that similar stories appear over and over again as you develop a system?

Dan Rawsthorne, Danube Technologies, Inc.
Peer Code Review: An Agile Process[presentation]

Peer code review is one of the most effective ways to find defects-but is it agile? Because agile teams loathe heavy process, code review practices can easily fail.

Gregg Sporar, Smart Bear Software
Sixteen Essential Patterns of Mature Agile Teams[presentation]

Many teams have a relatively easy time adopting the tactical aspects of the agile methodologies. Usually a few classes, some tool introduction, and a bit of practice can lead you toward a somewhat efficient and effective adoption.

Robert Galen, Software Testing Consultant
Organizational Values: A Key to Agile Success[presentation]

Agile adoptions can only be successful if corporate values match the key values outlined in the Agile Manifesto and in agile frameworks such as XP and Scrum.

Michele Sliger, Sliger Consulting, Inc.
Applying Lean Production to Software Development: A Worldview[presentation]

Lean production has made it possible for many industries to develop products faster and more profitably, building a loyal customer base while lowering business risk.

James Sutton, Lockheed Martin
Pragmatic Personas: Putting the User in User Stories[presentation]

When making choices about a system's functionality, the easiest thing is to ask yourself, "What would I like the software to do?" Unfortunately, when a team uses this approach, the result is usually constant argument, uncomfortable compromise

Jeff Patton, Independent Consultant
Focused Continuous Testing[presentation]

Continuous testing is a practice that involves automatically running tests after every program change.

Rod Coffin, Improving Enterprises
Coaching Agility and Producing Value[presentation]

Why do some agile communities succeed while others are struggling or failing?

David Hussman, DevJam
Going Agile - How It Affects People, Teams and Process[presentation]

Agile development provides the opportunity for new levels of productivity and value for software delivery-yet the agile approach brings new challenges that impact people, teams, and processes.

Joachim Herschmann, Borland Software
Realistic Test-Driven Development: Paying and Preventing Technical Debt[presentation]

Are you considering implementing Test-Driven Development (TDD), or have you tried it and failed? If so, this class is for you. Rob Myers describes the basic mechanics and components of TDD.

Rob Myers, Agile Institute
Source Code Analysis in the Agile World[presentation]

Agile practitioners know that achieving high velocity in iterations requires a pinpoint focus on code quality. The death of many projects can be traced to an out-of-control defect queue being pushed uphill from one iteration into the next.

Gwyn Fisher, Klocwork, Inc


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