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Agile: Resetting and Restarting[presentation]

The Agile Manifesto-ten years in the making-was published in 2001. Now, with more than eight years of practice, the manifesto has greatly influenced the process of software development.

Alistair Cockburn, Humans and Technology
Beyond Scope, Schedule, and Cost: Rethinking Performance Measures for Agile Development[presentation]

A recent Business Week article proclaimed, "There is no more Normal." With businesses in the throes of pervasive change, the traditional emphasis on "following the plan with minimal changes" must be supplanted by "adapting the plan to inevita

Jim Highsmith, Information Architects, Inc.
Personal Retrospectives[article]

We spend our time at work reflecting on our team's progress. We look for the root cause of problems to identify ways to make our work life better.

Daniel Wellman's picture Daniel Wellman
White Paper: Test Process Assessments[article]

This white paper examines the fresh techniques for assessing the effectiveness of QA organizations. Whether or not an organization has a dedicated testing team, today's testing is being completed more often by product managers, business analysts, customers, and programmers in addition to traditional testers. Evaluating all of these testing practices through a unified lens, using a maturity scoring scale that looks at all key testing responsibilities and functions, can be accomplished with the application of tried and true assessment frameworks.

Marwan Zeineddine
financial chart Rocks into Gold: Part 3[article]

This short book by Clarke Ching is a "biztech" parable for software developers who want to survive—and then thrive—through the credit crunch. We have republished the book in a four-part series. In part three, when things seem at their very worst, Bob has a "light bulb moment" that just might save the day. Follow the story as our characters fight to keep their jobs by implementing creative business ideas and management skills taken from agile development.

Clarke Ching's picture Clarke Ching
Testing Without Constraints: Service Virtualization[presentation]

While today's distributed software architectures such as SOA, Software-as-a-Service, and Cloud Computing offer organizations increased agility and new reuse opportunities, they also increase the risk of costly software problems due to constan

Rajeev Gupta, iTKO Lisa
Understanding and Managing Change[presentation]

Has this happened to you? You try to implement a new software quality improvement program and it ends up failing. And, to make matters worse, you can't figure out why.

Jennifer Bonine, Oracle Corporation
Automated Test Design: Its Time Has Come[presentation]

With model-based test design, you first create a high-level functional model of the system to be tested. The model is the input to an automated test generation tool that creates the test designs and associated test scripts.

Antti Huima, Conformiq Inc.
The Skill of Factoring: Identifying What to Test[presentation]

When you're given a product to test, a variety of clients to satisfy, and a short deadline to meet, how do you decide specifically what to test and how to test it?

Michael Bolton, DevelopSense
Six Budget Killers for Testing Organizations[presentation]

You already have taken some basic cost-cutting steps and saved your organization money. Now, you are asked to dig even deeper into your testing budget. Where should you start?

Paul Trompeter, GDI Infotech
Offshoring Test Automation: Double Benefit or Double Backlash[presentation]

Although software testing can be an exciting challenge, testers often are bogged down in voluminous, manual testing and re-testing with relatively shallow requirements-based test cases.

Hans Buwalda, LogiGear Corporation
STARWEST 2009: Test Process Improvement on a Shoestring[presentation]

In these times of economic crisis, cost reduction is usually the number one motive for test process improvement.

Martin Pol, POLTEQ IT Services BV
Maximize Your Investment in Automation Tools[presentation]

Experience has shown that many organizations attempt to automate their testing processes without effective vision, planning, and follow through.

Shoba Raj, Intuit, Inc.
Test Environments: The Weakest Link in Your Testing Chain[presentation]

Test environments are an important part of our testing portfolio, yet often we seem to spend very little time planning, creating, and maintaining them.

Julie Gardiner, Grove Consultants
Improving Software Testing: One Organization's Journey[presentation]

In the coming years, testers will be placed under ever increasing pressure.

Joachim Herschmann, Borland Software


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