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We are using TeamTrack as our defect tracking tool. And we are Admin's for TeamTrack. But recently TeamTrack is often coming down or locked somehow.

Can you please let us know where to check the logs ? We actually want to know what may be the reason for down/lock/hang.

Whenever it goes down, we bounce the IIS server. But recently it is hanging up several times in a day. Can you please suggest wherr to check and what may be the reason for hanging?

Thnx in advance.


A question came up in another topic, roughly: "Where does the CM Manager belong in the organization?" I found that to answer the question I needed to know what the CM Manager does - and this depends both on the tools and the organization.

In some organization's the CM Manager is responsible for builds. In others, not. In some the CM Manager is responsible for administration (ensuring servers running, users access, backups, etc.). In others, not.

So what does your CM Manager do? (and what CM tool(s) do you use?)

One of our production synergy server utilizing max memory upto 96% all the time.

Any suggestion/recommendations to bring it down will be greatful. Here is the report

229 ccm_root 6001M 2161M 2.7% 89:28:13 53%
78 informix 206G 75G 96% 2687:15:3 40%
108 root 1182M 575M 0.7% 43:00:57 0.2%
6 tzm1zd 7984K 6496K 0.0% 0:00:00 0.0%
6 szn4mm 7984K 6496K 0.0% 0:00:00 0.0%

I am looking for a solution where the password and userid to connect to Harvest is prompted at command line in the ant script without hardcoding it in the script.

Do you know how to do that?

I tried the -prompt option, that did not solve my problem entirely. Although the ant stops for prompt, I had to interrupt the script with CTRL+Z to get the PASSWORD: prompt.

Where does the person responsible for managing a configuration (the CM manager) belong in relation to a product development life cycle? Whether or not CM activities take place in one or more stages of the life cycle is NOT the question.

For reference, please make two assumptions:

1) The life cycle consists of the following stages or states:
> Requirements
> Design
> Development (and unit testing)
> Testing
> Operations (or Production)
> Removal
> Archiving

I am attempting to automate a checkout process of a large group of files using Serena PVCS Version Manager version 8.2.10 en_US (build 150). Each of these files' names are unique, and using the Filename pattern option doesnt allow us to selct the exact list of the multiple files we need to check out, there is nothing common about these.

As a long time user of Eclipse+SVN, we recently started using AccuRev as SCM tool. Prior to any commits (keeps) I generally switch to the Team Synchronizing perspective to check my changes. From there I then perform a keep operation.

Whilst this works fine for the first keep (from backed), any subsequents edits are differenced against the backed version, not latest kept.

I don't prompt that often, but do lots of keeps. Is it possible to change the behaviour of the Team Synchronizer?


I'd like to share with you my last article in which I’ll use a feat orchestrated by Julius Caesar two thousand years ago to illustrate what CM can provide us, in contrast with what technology allow us to do.

Happy to know your thoughts.

I have a build that outputs various configuration files, some which are very similar but differ based on the attributes of the component they support. Our current naming convention for the configuration files consist of identifying the attributes supported:

Config_Foo_attr1.xml, Config_Foo_attr1_attr2.xml

As our attribute options grow so will the file names. Has anyone else dealt with something similar to this issue?

Anyone tried to run SQL to remove the -b [broker] parm from a hexecp?

hexecp -b [broker]

We have over a thousand of these in Harvest 12.0 and they are not allowed in 12.1. (Oracle DB)

Just trying to find out if anyone else is having as much fun as I am.

I'm looking for an opensource web application with some basic features:
- integration with a SVN/CVS/GIT existing repository
- deployment to hosts after building

The tools i've found so far is either lacking some features or not graphical. I'm ok with a more complex solution too as long as everything is web based and graphical.

Any tip? Ty in advance.

I am looking for articles or information about importance of performing Configuration Audit for a presentation to development team.

We normally conduct Configuration Audit before a release of Product and also we conduct quaterly audits to make sure that previously released products are recreatable. As this is the requirement of CMMI.


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