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Agile Testing in the Large: Stories and Patterns of Transformation[presentation]

You're part of a large test organization that has invested money, sweat, and tears in test processes, plans, cases, and automation tools that have served you well. You've built a team that excels in your development environment.

Robert Galen, Software Testing Consultant
STAREAST 2009: Measuring the Value of Testing[presentation]

Value is based on objectives, so why do we test? We test to find defects effectively, gain confidence in the software, and assess risk.

Dorothy Graham, Software Testing Consultant
Virtual Test Labs: The Next Frontier[presentation]

Are you spending too much time setting up test environments? Do you have too many "can't repro" defects? Test lab virtualization may be the answer you're looking for.

Darshan Desai, Microsoft
Improving Your Testing Assets Through Domain Modeling[presentation]

Just as agile approaches have made inroads in development, FitNesse is doing the same in acceptance testing. Many testers rely heavily on FitNesse to improve collaboration and communication among the product owner, developers, and testers.

Renato Quedas, Borland Software
Using Data Objects to Create Effective Test Data[presentation]

Fact-the quality of test data directly impacts the quality of testing. Traditional manual methods for creating test data are laborious, time consuming, often ineffective, and error prone.

Huw Price, Grid-Tools Ltd.
A Pragmatic Approach to Improving Your Testing Process[presentation]

Although most test managers know they need to improve their processes, many don't know how to go about it. How do you understand the effectiveness of your current test process and then move forward for quick wins and long-term gains?

Clive Bates, Grove Consultants
Practical Security Testing for Web Applications[presentation]

Testing teams are generally quite efficient at testing Web applications through a wide range of functional data, business processes, and click streams.

Rafal Los, Hewlett-Packard Application Security Center
An Open Source Tool for RIA/Ajax Testing[presentation]

Building rich Internet applications (RIA) using Ajax is challenging partly because of all the variations in browser performance and functional issues.

Frank Cohen, PushToTest
Cheap and Free Test Tools[presentation]

Too often, testers have limited money, time, or both to purchase, learn, and implement the robust commercial test tools available today. However, as a tester, one of the best things you can have is your own personal testing toolkit.

Randy Rice, Rice Consulting Services
After System Testing: Don't Forget Infrastructure Testing[presentation]

Traditionally, testing IT applications is done in isolation on a stand-alone platform.

David Watt, Lockheed Martin
Lesson Learned in the 24/7 Online Web World[presentation]

Managing a successful, rapidly changing Web site and trying to track the bugs is a never-ending process.

Jane Fraser, Electronic Arts
The New Era of Community-based Testing[presentation]

Professionals are being confronted by a growing list of challenges-shorter release cycles, increased expectations, smaller budgets, and fewer testing resources.

Doron Reuveni, uTest
Updating Your Testing Methods for Web 2.0[presentation]

Web 2.0 moves much of the application functionality directly into the browser. While creating a richer user-experience that everyone craves, these technologies pose significant new challenges for testing.

Matt Brayley, Borland
Top Ten Automation Questions and Their Answers[presentation]

As software becomes more complex, many strategic test automation issues emerge that put test automation projects and improvement programs more at risk than ever.

Mukesh Mulchandani, ZenTEST Labs
STAREAST 2009: The Irrational Tester: Avoiding the Pitfalls[presentation]

As a tester or test manager, have you ever wondered whether reason actually plays a part in some management decisions? It seems that many decisions are influenced by far more-or far less-than rational analysis. Surprise!

James Lyndsay, Workroom Productions, Ltd.


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